On the back of the tremendous media exposure nationwide of the Artwork of the Artist at the Global Times yearly Gala event, the Artist Angel Gustavo has been invited to participate in one of the most prestigious Charitable Art auctions in China, that of the Internationally infamous Hainan International Film Festival, with attendance of Hollywood stars and Chinese Actors and leading film makers.
The Charity for this year is called 51Give. It supports beach cleaning initiatives and is actively lobbying with Hainan government for sustainable waste solutions and sponsoring several Coral re-growing projects, all to maintain the pristine tropical island flora and fauna.
From his hospital bed in China, whilst fully recovering from a brain stroke, the Artist actively committed to support this wonderful cause by generously making his Art available to generate the funds necessary.

Only very few artists are accepted to participate in this particular event. The Spanish Artist has been bursting onto the Chinese Art scene in full force, with his work being auctioned next to the likes of very rare limited edition certified copies of Picasso´s.

His refreshing Art has not gone unnoticed and several reputable Art galleries in mainland China´s top-tier cities and Hongkong have been asking for collaboration with the Artist. More on that in our next article, so watch this space..